November 2023
„Fandango Inspiración“
Concert tour through northern Germany by the Ensemble Concierto Ibérico
Dance and choreography
August 2023
Fährmannsfest (culture and music festival), Hanover,
Dance and Walk Act
June 2023
„Boccherini's Fandango“
International Dance Festival "Caravanseray Vienna", Vienna
Dance and choreography
June 2023
Deisterstraßenfest (street faire), Hanover,
Dance, Walk Act, choreography and artistic director
June 2023
Blaues Wunder (street faire), Hanover,
Dance, Walk Act and artistic direction
Mai 2023
"GLITZER", a dance theatre with 90 performers from the Calaneya Dance Academy, Hanover
Artistic direction, dramaturgy, choreography, sound design and administrative management
January 2023
"Da lacht der Bär", cabaret travelling stage at the Marlene Bar and Stage, Hanover;
October 2022
„Boccherini's Fandango“, Barcelona
Dance and choreography
October 2022
„Fandango Inspiración“, a series of concerts presented by the Ensemble Concierto Ibérico,
Dance and choreography
September 2022
„Spirit of Orient“ national dance festival, Hamburg
Dance, choreography and artistic direction
July 2022
„Dance! Global Fusion Festival“
International dance festival, including training programme and virtual performances
Dance, choreography, artistic direction and video editing
May 2022
Dance from May" Calaneya Dance Academy, Hanover;
Artistic direction, choreography, dramaturgy, video shooting and video editing
March 2022
"Proserpina Night", Albrechtsberg Castle, Dresden
Dance and choreography (solo and group)
March 2022
"Sacre", a contemporary dance performance with Elena Sapega,
Dance and choreography
February 2022
„Spirit of Orient“ online
national dance festival
Dance, choreography, artistic direction and video editing
January 2022
„Judeo alla Turca“, a concert by the Ensemble Concerto Foscari, under the direction of Alon Sariel, Herrenhausen Baroque, Hanover;
Dance and choreography
December 2021
„Virtual Winter Show“ Calaneya Dance Academy, Hannover;
Dance, choreography, video shooting and video editing
September 2021
„außen, innen, jetzt!“ (outsinde, inside, now!)
Open-Air dance theatre by Calaneya Dance Academy, Hannover;
Artistic direction, choreography, sound design and dramaturgy
July 2021
„Dein Grünes Zimmer“ (your green room), Hannover
an open-air performance to join in
Artistic direction, choreography, dance, moderation and dramaturgy
July 2021
„Black Midsummer Night's Dream“, Hannover
Dance and choreography
Juli 2021
„Dance! Global Fusion Festival“
International dance festival, including training programme and virtual performances
Dance, choreography, artistic direction and video editing
December 2020
"Summer show in Advent" virtual dance show by the Calaneya Dance Academy, Hanover
Dance, choreography, video shooting and video editing
September 2020
Kulturwiese, Hanover;
Dance and choreography
February 2020
Werkschau N°2 (Work exhibition), Hanover;
Artistic direction and choreography
February 2020
Werkschau pro (work exhibition pro), Hanover;
September 2019
Limmerstraßenfest (Limmerstraße festival), Hannover;
Dance and Walk Act
August 2019
International dance festival „Caravanseray Vienna“, Vienna:
„The Love Me Or Die“
Fusion Bellydance Performance in collaboration with Elena Sapega;
„International ATS® Collaboration“
in collaboration with Katarzyna Lidia, Agata Zakrzewska, Ana Sejfried, Elena Sapega, Lisa Bugel Jørgensen und Lisa von Erd
August 2019
Fährmannsfest (culture and music festival), Hanover,
Dance and Walk Act
July 2019
Karawane Hildesheim, Middel East and Africa fair
Organisation of a 2-day programme in collaboration with the musicians of Tabla Rasa
June 2019
„Sommerfrische Show“, Interkulturelle Bühne (intercultural stage), Frankfurt:
"So Far", a contemporary solo performance by Daniela Niemietz
Dance and choreography;
„Internatinal ATS® Collaboration“
(with Katarzyna Lidia, Agata Zarzewska, Gudrun Herold, Eleen Kim, Theresa Rose, Luisa Nnamkrab und Elena Sapega)
Dancer under the direction of Theresa Rose (Cibelle Dance Collective)
May 2019
Ball of the Volkshochschule Essen, organisation of the entertainment programme
Dance and artistic direction
May 2019
„Bodies in Urban Spaces“, KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen Hannover
Performance under the direction of Cie. Willi Dorner in collaboration with Esther Steinkogler and Ian Dolan
May 2019 to August 2019
„Gypsy & Flamenco Flavour“, a show of the Calaneya Dance Academy
Soloist and dancer in the choir
January 2019
"Proserpina Night", Albrechtsberg Castle, Dresden
August 2018
„28th International Fireworks Contest“, Hanover
Walk Act and dancer to music by Fanfare Ciocarlia
August 2018
Fährmannsfest Hannover (culture and music festival), Hanover,
Dance and Walk Act
June 2018
International Tribal Festival Hanover:
„ATS®-Jam“ (in collaboration with Eleen Kim, Theresa Rose and Elena Sapega)
Dancer in choir and trio
„ATS® goes Beatbox“ Calaneya Tribal feat. Mister Given
Dance and artistic direction
May to June 2018
„The Bartered Bride“, State Opera House Hanover
Soloist (Money Maker) and dancer in the choire (Tanzvereinigung Altwarmbüchen), under the direction of Mathias Brühlmann
March 2018
Blaues Wunder and Scillablütenfest (street fair), Hanover;
Dance and Walk Act
September 2017
"AUF und DAVON - Abenteuer im Großstadtdschungel" (UP and AWAY - Adventures in the urban jungle) by Gabriele Hägele
as leading role ("Father"), choreographer ("Großstadtschatten"/Big City Shadows"), dancer in the choir ("Putzkolonne" / Cleaning Crew), lighting assistant
September-Oktober 2017
"Der junge Lord" (The Yound Lord), State Opera House Hanover
Dancer under the direction of Anastasiya Bobrykova (as debutante)
August 2017
Fährmannsfest (culture and music festival), Hanover,
Dance and Walk Act
Juni 2017
International Tribal Festival Hanover:
ATS®-Jam (in collaboration with Gudrun Herold, Mareike Beiersdorf, Eleen Kim, Theresa Rose, Vanessa Violine and Elena Sapega)
Dancer in choir and trio;
„BiroBiro" by Calaneya Tribal
Dance and choreography
May to August 2017
"Das Model" (The Model), a Show by the Tribal Collective Hanover
Choreographer, soloist and dancer in the choir
April to May 2017
"The Marriage of Figaro", State Opera House Hanover
Dancer under the direction of Cássia Lopes (as veil girl and wedding party)
January 2017
"Proserpina Night", Albrechtsberg Castle, Dresden
Dance and choreography (soloist and group)
January 2017
"Tick of the Clock", a dance theatre by Calaneya Company
Artistic director of the piece, dancer of the solo "Broken Mantra" by Loris Zambon
October 2016 to February 2017
„The Bartered Bride“, State Opera House Hanover
Dancer under the direction of Mathias Brühlmann (Tanzvereinigung Altwarmbüchen)
August 2016
"Slow", a show by the Tribal Collective Hanover
Choreography, soloist and dance in the choir
March 2016
"Manege frei für die Kultur" (Clear the stage for culture), Hanover
Dance and Choreography
June 2016
"Secludia 2.0", Contemporary Fusion by Calaneya Company
Artistic direction and dance
June 2016
"DEP", Fusion Bellydance Projekt in coillaboration with Inga Petermann and Elena Sapega
Choreography and Dance
May 2016
"Tribal Collective Hannover", Welcome show by the Tribal Collective Hanover
Choreographer, soloist and dancer in the choir
February 2016
"Glamour, Girls and Gangsters- Let´s swing to the 20´s", Entertainment programme at the graduation ball of the Hanover Hotel Management School,
Dance and choreography
January 2016
"Proserpina Night", Albrechtsberg Castle, Dresden
Dance and choreography (solo and group)
January 2016
"Abstract", a contemporary solo performance by Daniela Niemietz
Dance and choreography
June 2015
"Sing Sing Sing", Fusion Bellydance Duo with Elena Sapega
Dance and choreography
May 2015
Garden Festival of the Herrenhausen Gardens, Hanover
Dance and Walk Act
March 2015
"Firebird", Fusion Bellydance Performance to music by Marina Baranova
Dance and choreography
December 2014
"So Close", a Fusion Bellydance solo by Daniela Niemietz
Dance and choreography
December 2014
Cultural award ceremony of the Freundeskreis Hannover, Orangerie Herrenhausen
September 2014
Dancer in the promo video for perlatentia
August 2014
"Tango", a dance video by Bernd Burkhardt,
Juli 2014
"Dance in Concert" Leipzig, a dance evening with live music
Dance and choreography
Juli 2014
Maschsee Festival Hannover
Dance and Walk Act
June 2014
"The Mooche", a Fusion Bellydance Solo by Daniela Niemietz
Dance and choreography
October 2013
"Tamosh der Zauberer" (Tamosh the wizard), by Gabriele Hägele
Dancer (Ocean dweller, nightmare and magician)
October 2013
"Melkor", a Fusion Bellydance Trio with perlatentia